ISE III - Listenings

These topics are topics for the ISE III, GESE 10 and 11 exam. This listening activity has two goals. One being that it helps review vocabulary for the spoken and written exam. The other is to help prepare for the spoken exam.

Estos temas son temas para los exámenes ISE III,  GESE 10 y 11. Esta actividad de escucha tiene dos objetivos. Uno es que ayuda a repasar el vocabulario para el examen escrito y hablado. El otro es ayudar a prepararse para el examen oral.

  • Roles in the Family
  • Use of the Internet
  • School Curriculum
  • Designer Goods
  • Communication
  • Youth Behaviour

School Curriculum / Plan de Estudios Escolar

Worksheet Listening: Horace Mann’s Educational Legacy

Equal Opportunities / Igualdad de Oportunidades

Worksheet Listening: Jobless Graduates

Scientific Development / Desarrollo Científico

Stress / Estrés

Future of the Planet / El Futuro del Planeta

Worksheet Listening: Rights Of The Animal Kingdom

Social Issues / Asuntos Sociales

Worksheet Listening: The Effects of Aging on Society

International Events / Eventos Internacionales

Independence / Independencia

Ambitions / Ambiciones

Stereotypes / Estereotipos

Worksheet Listening: Being Transgendered

Lifestyles / Estilos de Vida

Worksheet Listening: Tina Turner, Triumph of Adversity

The Rights of the Individual / Los Derechos del Individuo

Economic Issues / Cuestiones económicas

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